Running is a full-body exercise that evenly develops the muscles attached to the skeleton of the upper and lower limbs. However, many injuries occur in the knees and ankles, which are concentrated when the feet land on the ground, due to excessive movement or exercise. It is also easy to get injured by slipping and falling or tripping.
The most common injury to the legs that move the most is chondromalacia patellae. When inflammation occurs below or on the side of the patella, the round bone in front of the knee, the pain increases and the knee creaks when bending. Runner's knee is also something to watch out for. Generally, those who are new to jogging or running are prone to suffering from runner's knee.
달리기 할 때 이것만 지키자!!!
1. 허벅지 앞쪽 근육인 '대퇴사두근' 키우기
무릎 바로 위쪽에 만져지는 근육.
이 근육이 약해지면 무릎이 아프고 활동이 감소해 근력이 약해지는 악순환을 부른다. 손쉬운 대퇴사두근 강화 방법의 하나는 의자에 앉아서 다리를 올렸다 내리는 간단한 동작이다. 의자에 앉아 복부에 힘을 주고 다리를 앞으로 쭉 뻗은 뒤 발가락을 몸쪽으로 당겨 잠시 유지한다. 양쪽 다리를 번갈아 가며 10회씩 하루 3회 반복.
The basic work is to strengthen the quadriceps femoris.
The foundation for strengthening your knees is strengthening the surrounding muscles. The muscles on the front of your thighs.
You need to strengthen your ‘quadriceps femoris’. It is the muscle that can be felt just above the knee. The quadriceps femoris plays a direct role in preventing arthritis and reducing knee pain.
If this muscle becomes weak, your knees will hurt, activity will decrease, and muscle strength will weaken, creating a vicious cycle. One easy way to strengthen your quadriceps femoris is to sit on a chair and raise and lower your legs. Sit on a chair, tighten your abdomen, stretch your legs forward, and pull your toes toward your body and hold for a moment. Repeat 10 times, alternating between both legs, 3 times a day.
2. 흙길, 잔디밭, 쿠션있는 길 위를 달리기!!!
무릎에 충격이 그대로 전해지기 때문에 완만한 잔디밭·흙길을 달리는 것이 좋다.
쿵쿵 소리가 나지 않게 사뿐히 가볍게 뛰기!!!
Light running on grass, dirt, and flat surfaces OK.
Even if you have weak knees, light hobby-level running helps strengthen your joints. The reason your knees are weak is because the structures supporting your kneecap, such as muscles and tendons, become weak and the shock is directly transmitted to your joints. The structures around your knees are trained by repeating the ‘micro-damage-recovery’ process. If you run at an appropriate intensity, the structures around your joints are trained.
무릎이 약한 사람은 달리기할 때 단단한 콘크리트·아스팔트, 급경사는 피해야 한다.
However, people with weak knees should avoid hard concrete, asphalt, and steep slopes when running.
3. 제대로 쉬기!!!!
하루 달렸다면 이틀 정도는 쉬는 게 좋다. 근육은 한번 달리고 나면 손상되는데 하루 정도 쉬면 재생이 되는 반면 힘줄은 근육보다 재생 능력이 약해 이틀 정도 쉬어야 한다고 한다.
If you run for one day, it is better to rest for two days. Muscles are damaged after running once, but they regenerate after resting for one day. However, tendons have a weaker regenerative ability than muscles, so you should rest for two days. If you strengthen the muscles around your knees with quadriceps strengthening exercises and then run, you can run smoothly and safely.
통증이 있을 시 바로 멈추고 통증 사라지지 않을 시 전문가 상담 요함.
However, if you feel pain when walking, it is better to avoid running.
- Streching and strengthen the quadriceps femoris. 스트레칭 및 허벅지 앞쪽 근육인 '대퇴사두근' 키우기
- Light running on grass, dirt, and flat surfaces are good for knees(❌ hard concrete, asphalt, and steep slopes). However security must be guaranteed in the running place. 치안이 좋은 흙길, 잔디밭, 모래 위, 쿠션있는 길 위를 달리기!!!
- If you experience “runner’s knee” and have pain in your knee, rest completely for a few days. If the pain does not go away or gets worse, see an orthopedics specialist. 무릎
통증이 생기면 몇 일 충분히 쉬고 심한 경우 정형외과에 가기.
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