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목감기란 | 목감기 증상 | 유아 목감기에 좋은 음식

by korejessica 2024. 9. 30.

1. 목감기란
What is sore throat?

Common diseases such as colds, sore throats, and upper respiratory tract infections are inflammatory reactions that occur in the upper respiratory tract mucosa, including the pharynx and larynx, caused by various viruses. In other words, inflammation occurs in the pharynx and larynx due to infection by viruses or bacteria. 바이러스나 세균 등에 감염되어서 인두와 후두에 염증이 생긴 것이다.

2. 목감기 증상
The sptoms of sore throat

In the early stages of a sore throat, symptoms such as dryness in the throat and a mild cough appear. 목감기 증세 초기에는 인두의 이물감과 건조감, 가벼운 기침 등의 증세가 나타납니다.

As the symptoms worsen, it becomes difficult to swallow food due to pain, and symptoms such as high fever, headache, general malaise, and loss of appetite may also appeal. 심해지면 통증 때문에 음식을 삼키기 어렵고 고열, 두통, 전신권태, 식욕부진 등의 증상이 나타나기도 합니다.

Bad breath, and if the inflammation spreads to the larynx, the voice becomes hoarse and pain is complained of under the ears.

In acute cases, the throat is initially dry and sore, and there is a fever and severe pain when swallowing food. Coughing, phlegm, loss of appetite, constipation, etc. also appear, making it very painful.

In chronic cases, the throat is dry, sore, and ticklish, and symptoms worsen when tired, resulting in a hoarse voice and a small voice.

3. 목감기 원인
What causes sore throat?

Sore throat caused by infection with viruses, bacteria, etc. can be largely divided into acute and chronic. Acute is caused by rapid temperature changes, colds, febrile diseases, overwork, weak constitution, bacterial infections, etc., and chronic is caused by repeated recurrences of acute pharyngitis, excessive smoking, drinking, overwork, consumption of irritating foods, overwork of the throat, laryngopharyngeal reflux disease, etc.
크게 급성과 만성으로 나눌 수 있습니다.

급성은 급격한 기온 변화, 감기, 열성질환, 과로, 허약한 체질, 세균 감염 등의 원인이며 만성은 급성인후염이 반복해서 재발하거나 지나친 흡연, 음주, 과로, 자극성 음식 섭취, 목의 혹사, 인후두 역류질환 등이 원인이 되어 나타납니다.

4. 목감기에 좋은 음식
So what foods are good for sore throats?

First of all, colorful vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals are known to be good for sore throats. 과일 채소

Blue-backed fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids are also helpful for sore throats. 고등어

Also, making tea using quince, citron, ginger, bellflower root, and pear, which have been used as folk remedies since ancient times. 모과, 유자, 생강, 도라지, 배로 만든 차

And drinking it frequently is good for replenishing moisture, and vitamins and various active ingredients can help with symptoms such as coughing and phlegm.

Lastly, taking probiotics can help boost immunity, and in particular, it is recommended for young children, as diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain are common along with cold symptoms. 유산균, 프로바이오틱스

출처 : https://my-doctor.io/healthLab/info/192/목감기-원인과-음식


