고혈당 쇼크는 혈당이 급격히 상승해 몸의 체액과 전해질 균형을 잃는 응급 상황으로, 당뇨 환자들에게 치명적일 수 있다.
고혈당 쇼크는 혈당 조절이 잘 되지 않거나, 인슐린 투여가 중단되었을 때 발생할 수 있다. 주요 원인은 감염이지만, 신체적·정신적 스트레스가 원인이 될 수도 있다.
고혈당 쇼크가 발생하면 신장은 소변을 통해 과도한 당을 배출하려고 하고, 그 과정에서 탈수와 전해질 불균형이 발생한다.
보통 혈당이 180mg/dL 이상으로 계속 높아지면 당이 소변으로 빠져나가기 시작하면서 피로감, 잦은 소변, 극심한 공복감, 피부 및 구강의 건조, 시야가 흐려짐 등의 고혈당 증상이 나타나기 시작한다. 특히 혈당이 500mg/dL 이상이라면 고위험 상태로, 즉각적인 인슐린 투여와 수액 보충을 통해 혈당과 전해질을 조절해야 한다. 조기에 치료하지 않으면 심한 전해질 불균형과 탈수로 인해 심정지나 다발성 장기 부전으로 이어질 수 있다.
Hyperglycemia(high blood sugar) is an emergency situation in which blood sugar levels rise rapidly and the body loses its fluid and electrolyte balance, and can be fatal for diabetics. Hyperglycemia(high blood sugar) can occur when blood sugar levels are poorly controlled or insulin administration is discontinued. The main cause is infection, but physical and mental stress can also be the cause.
When Hyperglycemia(high blood sugar) occurs, the kidneys try to excrete excess sugar through urine, and in the process, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance occur. Usually, when blood sugar levels continue to rise above 180 mg/dL, sugar begins to leak out through urine, and symptoms of hyperglycemia such as fatigue, frequent urination, extreme hunger, dry skin and mouth, and blurred vision begin to appear. In particular, if blood sugar levels are above 500 mg/dL, it is a high-risk condition, and blood sugar and electrolytes must be controlled through immediate insulin administration and fluid replenishment. If not treated early, severe electrolyte imbalance and dehydration can lead to cardiac arrest or multiple organ failure.
12 ways to prevent blood sugar spikes
Blood sugar spikes can also cause your blood vessels to harden and narrow, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
1. Go low carb 저탄수화물 선택
A low carb diet can help lower blood sugar and aid weight loss. Counting carbs can also help.
혈당 감소
2. Eat fewer refined carbs 정제 탄수화물 감소
Refined carbs have almost no nutritional value and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and weight gain. 정제탄수화물은 영양가가 없어 당뇨2형의 위험을 증가시킴.
3. Reduce your sugar intake 단 음식 섭취 감소
Sugar is effectively empty calories. It causes an immediate blood sugar spike, and high intake is associated with insulin resistance. 많은 섭취는 인슐린 저항을 야기한다.
4. Reach and maintain a moderate weight
Obesity and overweight make it difficult for your body to control blood sugar levels. Weight loss can improve blood sugar control.
Exercise increases insulin sensitivity and stimulates cells to remove sugar from the blood.
Good sources of soluble fiber include:
some fruits, such as apples, oranges, and blueberries
many vegetables
Fiber can slow the absorption of carbs and the release of sugar into the blood. It can also reduce appetite and food intake.
7. Drink more water
Dehydration negatively affects blood sugar control. Over time, it can lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
Vinegar has been shown to increase insulin response and help control blood sugar when taken with carbs.
9. Get enough chromium and magnesium
Chromium is a mineral you need in small amounts. It’s thought to enhance the actionTrusted Source of insulin. This could help control blood sugar spikes by encouraging the cells to absorb sugar from the blood.
Recommended dietary intakes for chromium vary by age and sex. Rich food sources include:
egg yolks
Brazil nuts
Magnesium is another mineral that’s been linked to blood sugar control.
Recommended dietary intakes for chromium vary by age and sex. Rich food sources include:
10. Add some spice to your life
Cinnamon and fenugreek have been used in alternative medicine for thousands of years. They have both been linked to blood sugar control.
The scientific evidence for using cinnamon in blood sugar control is mixed.
There are two types of cinnamon:
Cassia: Can come from several different species of Cinnamomum trees. This is the type most commonly found in most U.S. supermarkets.
Ceylon: Comes specifically from the Cinnamomum verum tree. It’s more expensive but may contain more antioxidants.
Cassia cinnamon contains a potentially harmful substance called coumarin.
Both cinnamon and fenugreek are relatively safe. They may have beneficial effects on your blood sugar if you take them with a meal that contains carbs.
11. Try berberine
Berberine has minimal side effects. Studies have shown it can reduce blood sugar spikes after you eat it.
12. Consider these lifestyle factors
To reduce your blood sugar spikes, also consider these lifestyle factors that can affect blood sugar.
Stress can impair your health in a number of ways, causing headaches, increased blood pressure, and anxiety. It can also affectTrusted Source blood sugar.
As stress levels go up, your body releases certain hormones. The effect is to release stored energy in the form of sugar into your bloodstream for the fight-or-flight response.
Actively addressing stress has also been found to benefit your blood sugar.
Both too little and too much sleep have been associated with poor blood sugar control. Even having one or two bad nights can affect your blood sugar levels.
Alcoholic drinks often contain a lot of added sugar. This is particularly true for mixed drinks and cocktails, which can contain up to 30 grams of sugar per serving.
The sugar in alcoholic drinks causes blood sugar spikes in the same way as added sugar in food. Most alcoholic drinks also have little or no nutritional value. As with added sugar, they are effectively empty calories and may increase your risk of hyperglycemia.
Poor sleep, stress, and high alcohol intake all negatively affect blood sugar. That’s why it’s important to consider lifestyle strategies as well as diet.eep, stress, and high alcohol intake all negatively
hyperglycemia : excess of sugar in the blood
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