Bring books to our liitle ones' life is not easy than said. Being with books in life is also understanding of me, social issues, humanity, and also world. It will lead you the safer place and brings you tremendous possibilities that are invisible but hidden in you.
June, my oldest son, is a quite good reader. He grew up in a place where there were lots of book and stories. He starts off his day with books and ends the day with again books. He seems he's accepted the existenceof the book and really befriend with them. And I like that. However another two children have different tastes. They read less than June but they like to listen to the stories so I became more professional storyteller.
Recently I’ve been thinking about the kinds of tools that can help my children develop self-confidence and self-compassion while dealing with the many unexpected emotions that arise in daily interpersonal relationships at school. As they grow, they experience a lot, and parents often don't have the opportunity to address the uncertainty of their children’s feelings in the moment when they need direct guidance.
But what kind of tool would be good this time and right way the books of Oliver Jeffers came into my mind. Without hesitation even for a second, googled some of his books in Trendyol, Nadirkitap, but Amazon had more collection.
I told them we would be reading these books in the whole October and sharing our feeling about the books, words, and the stories in the books. They agreed and I smiled. How the life goes by!! thankfully.
매달마다 아이들에게 과제 겸 독서책을 정해주려고 한다.
첫째는 다양하게 책을 좋아하는 편이지만
자세히 들여다보면 위로 받을 수 있는 책이 많지 않은 것 같아서
이번 달은 올리버 제퍼스 책으로 골랐다.
하드커버는 금액이 조금 비싸서
모두 페이퍼백으로 샀더니 4권에 한화로 5만원 정도 된다.
한국보다 외서가 비싼 편이고 자주 나오는 온라인 쿠폰들이 거의 없다.
가끔 아이들 프렌치 교재나 원서를 사는 중고 온라인 서적이 있는데
조건부 배송비(3천원) 가 너무 올라서 그냥 편하게 가벼운 새책으로 결정.
올리버 제퍼스 책은
작은 아이들, 큰 아이들, 심지어 나 같은 어른들이 읽어도
마음이 편하고 위로받는 책이다.
우리 자신에게 친절하는 법
우리가 세상에 혼자가 아니라는 것
그렇게 생각하는 것이 당연하다는 것
부모, 가족, 친구보다도
아주 자주 우린 책으로부터 위로 받을 수 있다는 것을 나는 잘 알기에
아이들이 책을 다양하게 접하고 진심으로 사랑하길 바란다.

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