금투세장점1 금융투자소득세 / 금투세란 / 금투세 장단점 Under the investment income tax scheme, set to take effect next year, capital gains of over 50 million won ($37,204) from stock investments will be subject to a 20 percent tax, while earnings exceeding 300 million won will be subject to a 25 percent tax.Sep 10, 2024 KoreaTimes 금융투자소득세(金融投資所得稅, Financial investment income tax)란 소득세의 일종으로, 주식·채권·펀드·파생상품 등 금융투자와 관련해 발생한 소득에 대해 과세하는 세제이다. 줄여서 '금투.. 2024. 10. 9. 이전 1 다음 반응형