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고등어 섭취량 | 아이들 생선 섭취량 | 고등어 메틸수은

by korejessica 2024. 10. 8.

Nearby anthropogenic sources, such as coal burning and iron mining, can contaminate water sources with methylmercury, which is efficiently absorbed in the bodies of fish. Through the process of biomagnification, mercury levels in each successive predatory stage increase.


생선만큼 사람에게 좋은 식재료도 많지 않지만, 어린이나 임산부처럼 중금속에 민감한 이들은 생선을 많이 먹는다고 해서 좋은 것은 아니다.
There are few foods that are as good for people as fish, but for those who are sensitive to heavy metals, such as children or pregnant women, eating a lot of fish is not necessarily good.

얼마나 먹는 것이 가장 좋을까요?
How much is
the best amount to eat?

식품의약품안전처가 새로 내놓은 ‘생선 안전섭취 가이드’를 보면, 1∼2세 유아는 고등어·명태·조기·대구·멸치·갈치·꽁치 등 일반 어류나 참치통조림은 일주일에 100g 이하로, 한 번에 약 15g씩 일주일에 6번으로 나누어 먹으면 좋다.
According to the ‘Fish Safety Intake Guide’ newly released by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, infants aged 1 to 2 should eat less than 100g of general fish such as mackerel, pollack, croaker, cod, anchovy, hairtail, and saury, or canned tuna per week, dividing it into about 15g at a time and eating them 6 times a week.

다랑어·새치류·상어류 등 심해성 어류는 먹이사슬 상위에 속하고 수명이 길어서 메틸수은 축적량이 많아 가급적 섭취하지 않거나, 일주일에 25g 이하로 섭취하는 게 좋다. 다만 참치통조림에 사용되는 가다랑어는 다랑어류에 속하긴 하지만 수면 위에서 활동하는 2∼4년생으로, 심해성 어류인 참다랑어보다 메틸수은 함량이 10분의 1수준이므로 안심해도 된다고 식약처는 설명했다.
Deep-sea fish such as mackerel, squid, and sharks are at the top of the food chain and have long life spans, so they accumulate a lot of methylmercury, so it is best to avoid eating them if possible, or consume less than 25g per week. However, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety explained that the skipjack tuna used in canned tuna is a type of tuna that is 2-4 years old and swims above the water surface, and its methylmercury content is 1/10th that of the deep-sea fish, bluefin tuna, so you can be assured.

3∼6세 어린이는 일반어류와 참치통조림은 일주일에 150g 이하, 심해성 어류는 일주일에 한 번 40g 이하로 섭취하는 것을 권장한다. 7∼10세는 일반어류와 참치통조림 250g 이하, 심해성 어류 65g 이하로 섭취하면 된다.
It is recommended that children aged 3-6 consume no more than 150g of regular fish and canned tuna per week, and no more than 40g of deep-sea fish once a week. Children aged 7-10 should consume no more than 250g of regular fish and canned tuna, and no more than 65g of deep-sea fish.

임산부나 수유 여성도 생선 섭취 때 주의할 필요가 있다. 이들은 메틸수은 함량이 비교적 낮은 일반어류와 참치통조림은 일주일에 400g 이하로 섭취할 것을 권장했다. 한번 섭취할 때 60g 기준 일주일에 6회로 나눠 먹으면 좋다.
Pregnant and lactating women also need to be careful when consuming fish. It is recommended that they consume no more than 400g of regular fish and canned tuna per week, which have relatively low methylmercury content. It is good to divide the consumption into 60g portions and eat them 6 times a week.

메틸수은 함량이 비교적 높은 다랑어·새치류 및 상어류는 일주일에 100g의 이하로, 일주일에 한번 정도 섭취하는 것이 좋다. 메틸수은은 태반으로 태아에게 전달돼 태반이 생기기 전인 임신 4개월 전에 섭취한 것에 대해서는 크게 걱정하지 않아도 된다고 식약처는 전했다.
It is recommended to consume tuna, mackerel, and shark, which have relatively high methylmercury content, in amounts of less than 100g per week, about once a week. The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety said that methylmercury is passed on to the fetus through the placenta, so there is no need to worry too much about consuming it before the 4th month of pregnancy, before the placenta is formed.

출처 : https://m.khan.co.kr/national/education/article/201706221338001#c2b

